GDF111 ACTION REPORT of Magic Festival
Golden Dawn Festival 111,
21st to 22nd Nov,1998 at Tokyo, JAPAN
The programme of Golden Dawn Festival was inspired by some leading
magicians in Japan. They are called magicians of O∴H∴.
But this order consisted by elder brethren has no working staffs,
only adepti, so young magicians of I∴O∴S∴ were supported them.
This event was very expensive one for staffs, needing about 1000,000 yens
(approx nine thousands U.S. dollars). Elders found this risk and have
donated to support running costs for event programmes.
We started the most hot magic programme in 1998 at Tokyo,
by the name of ### 111th Anniversary of the Golden Dawn !!! ###
Festival was played by japanese magicians learned by same golden dawn
Despite of no direct descendants of Golden Dawn Traditionin Japan,
many of magicians were trainned by Golden Dawn Methods including same
symbolism and kabbalistic structures.
So they are the children of Westcott and Mathers.
In this event,
Date: 21st November 1998 as of Eve celebration
22nd Nobember 1998 as Full Festival
This is a famous event hall in Tokyo, located sinjuku area almost
cultural center of Tokyo.
Fee: 10,000 yens
This fee was almost expend to place charge. Tokyo is high cost city all
over the world. Many donations would support this events.
21st Nov. 1998 18:00 〜 2030
* Stage Setting
* Short workshop demo, Talk show and Experimental Sessions by elder magicians,
co-chairmen of this festival.
22nd Nov. 1998 10:00 〜 18:30
* OPENING RITUAL : Invocation of Sword Bearers :
- Two cherubim was invoked for the protection of event hall and festival
by Golden Dawn 5=6 Temple Ritual.
Ritualist : Tzutom Akibba, Fra.M.E.S.A. 5=6
* OPENING REMARKS : Two Co-chairmen : by Koretaka Eguchi, Fra.E.: 5=6
and Tzutom Akibba
* WORKSHOP : Short Meditations in standard golden dawn
and modified kabbalistic ones : by Tzutom Akibba
- He lectured the meanings and methods of magical meditation compared with
judish kabbalah and christian's ones.
* PANEL DISCUSSION : Revival of the Golden Dawn :
Panel Chairman : Ryuzi Kagami (Astrologer, occult writer)
Panelers : Koretaka Eguchi (Magician, O.:H.:)
Tzutom Akibba (Magician, O.:H.:)
Hiroyuki Takeuchi (Magician, O.T.O.)
Kazuo Shimizu (Science Writer)
Michael E. Lucifer (Occult Translater)
Mari Kotani (Fantasy Essaist)
Randy Taguchi (Syber Writer)
Hieda, On Mayura (Divinator)
CONTENTS : Very exiting pannel with magic, some panelers were no experts
for magic but discussed with cultural backgrounds and other
relatings to magic.
* Intermission for Lunch : no lunch service.
In meal stop, all audiences should be out of hall.
* LECTURE : Magic in daily routines : by Ryuzi Kagami
- He is the most famouse and profound astrologer in Japan, and also 5=6
grade magician. He explain and talked with audiences to the astrological
situations in the ages of founding Golden Dawn. Some sample hypothesis
'SOUL' and 'SPIRIT' and other initial inspiring for aspirants.
* LECTURE : Everymen can try the magic ! by Fra.W.O.F., I.:O.:S.:
- His contents; Hard work for magic, Try to magic ritual and Pitfalls
in magic. He explained how to construct magical circumstances in Japan,
way of making magical weapons, building private temple and so on.
* LECTURE : Sanctum Regnum of the Golden Dawn : by Koretaka Eguchi
- He is the only historian of magic in japan, mainly concerning with
the proper golden dawn. One of founders as first Golden Dawn stile
magical order named O.:H.: in Japan. He addressed with Eliphas Levi's
influences to the oringinal order of G.D, and other historical analyses
in the late 19th century.
* WORKSHOP : Calling Down Angels or vibrately attunements : by Tzutom Akibba
- He is one of founder of I.:O.:S.:, largest magical order of Golden Dawn
stile in Japan. He is also the profound practitioner of kabbalah,
both Golden Dawn style and Judaica. Lecuture led the meaning and
recognition with angelic beings in modern mental strucures.
* WORKSHOP : Egyptian Magic : Souichiro Ando
* LECTURE : Tree of Life, broken mandalas for practical magic : by Tzutom Akibba
- He explained the strengths and also the weak points of so-called Kabbalah
of Tree of Life. Thru the vast variations of the Trees of Life,
he demonstrated the spiritual evolution of ' Tick'oon ' and magical
* CLOSING RITUAL : Banishing of Sword Bearer :
- Addressed to the two guardian angels of the event hall, banishing of
the all spiritual influences in this working area.
Ritualist : Tzutom Akibba
* CLOSING REMARKS : Inspector General and Vice Inspector General
of this GDF111 Committee :
Inspector General : Fra.R.I.R., I.:O.:S.:
Vice.Inspector General : Sor.A.F., I.:O.:S.:
Two publishers extended the book selling corners in the hall.
I.:O.:S.: also provided the corner of official organs.
Mr.Lucifer opend the internet demo connected with visual record real time
P.C. transmition of event.
FAQ of GDF111:
Q: Why 111th ? not 110th ?
A: In Japan, we celebrate 111, 222, or 333 as same as100, 200 or 300.
Generaly speaking, 111 is more qabalistic numeral period than 110, 111
is summing of Kamea of Sun (Magic Square of Sun) and transformed into
the hebrew sentence "AChAD HVA ALHIM"(Achad hua elohim;He is one god.) .
In theosophical subtraction, 111=1 plus 1 plus 1=3,
so it means three times greater anniversary of 1st year of the Order,1888.
Q: Is there a Western Magic Tradition in Japan?
A: Yes!! There are several Magical Orders in Japan.
This festival is supported by some of them, for exampleO.:H.:,
I.:O.:S.: These elder brethren chaired this commitee,
and working staffs from all other groups.
Q: Will I expect magical harassments of japanese native esoterists,
such as tantric buddhists or shamans ?
A: Absolutely not!! Japanese Tantra Orders or Shintoism Shrines
have long history and not aggressive now. After AUM muder cases,
japanese dangerous cults are weakened. Of course, unappropriate persons
will be expelled byour security volunteers called Occult Cops!!
This massage is presented by the Esoteric Commitee of GDF111
Co-chairmen: G.H.Fra.E.: G.H.Fra.M.E.S.A.
Inspector General: V.H.Fra.R.I.R. Vice Inspector General: H.Sor.A.F.
REPORTED BY Fra.Messoris exeo Sancto Arvi Tzutom Akibba
Imperator General I :. O :. S :.
This is the first version of report. This report will be evolvedstep by step.
Please informe new ideas or collections to this report.